VITA Mens Sana

Engagement, collaboration and recognition is a great morale booster, especially when it comes from peers in our sector, who our celebrating the work that we do.

For the first time in its history, VITA has earned full accreditation standing from FOCUS accreditation. The FOCUS accreditation program is one of the most comprehensive ways to assess overall organizational performance, including service quality and Member satisfaction. There were four phases to the accreditation process, including an organizational self-assessment, consultation and learning, quality improvement and an onsite validation exercise.


  • Receiving full accreditation standing tells all our stakeholders that VITA meets the highest possible standards of service and operational excellence and gives our agency a competitive advantage.
  • To become fully accredited organizations must meet at least 75% of all applicable FOCUS standards. VITA met or exceeded 96.6% of the 178 FOCUS standards in 14 different areas or domains with a total score of 342 out of a possible 354.
  • Accreditation is granted for a period of four years, in our case from December 13, 2018 to December 13, 2022.

Not only did the peer validation team that visited VITA’s office acknowledged the work done by our staff and the successes of our agency, they provided us with very valuable feedback focusing on further improvement.
Thank you to all VITA staff and Members who participated in the accreditation process and helped us achieve this important measure of success.