VITA Mens Sana

December 20, 2019

Learning You: Registration Now Open

Vita Community Living Services and Mens Sana Families for Mental Health has developed learning modules for people with disabilities to help develop the skills and abilities for living a life of maximum quality in the community.

Classes are aimed at the needs of the learners with intellectual disabilities and are designed to be fun and affirming. Each course of classes runs between 6 and 12 weeks and lasts between 90 and 120 minutes. All class instructors are trained and supervised by Dave Hingsburger, VITA’s Director, Clinical and Educational Services. Courses offered include topics on Boundaries, Keeping Your Cool, Bullying Prevention, Relationship Training, Self-Esteem, Internet Safety, Arts, Cupcake Magic and Cake Magic.

Registration for these courses is now open, for more information and to register please contact:
VITA (funded) Members: Elizabeth Perry at 4166450344 | [email protected] or Amanda Partab at 4166450344 | [email protected]
External (fee-for-service) Participants: Franca Molinaro at 4167496234 | [email protected]